What is the land and soil Jurisdiction on Maine?
Have you ever wondered why what we all call—the Law of the Land—is so elusive, and, in fact, mostly disregarded by the people who are supposed to be protecting us—“the government, police and the courts?”
The only reason for government to exist is to protect us and our property. That’s it.
As an American and a Mainer, you deserve protections, explanations, and remedies that have been undisclosed for generations. Fortunately, many historians and researchers have spent countless hours researching the intended governmental structure set up by our Founders, and the actual history of this country from the conclusion of the Civil War to the present.

Come home to the Land and Soil

With Rights come Responsibilities. In our lawful government, power flows from the bottom up. The people have to participate and govern. Self-governing a country begins first and foremost with governing ourselves.
orientationfornewbies.pdf (annavonreitz.com)

The Maine Assembly is accomplishing real change.
~Learn More~
Click on the links below to learn more about your Rights and Responsibilities
as a Maine State National once you correct your political status
~Welcome home to Maine Land and Soil Jurisdiction~

American State Nationals are owed The Law of Peace
"We and our ancestors have been at peace for various lengths of time. Some of us have been at peace since 1783, some since 1814, some since 1865 --- but all of us are officially at peace and have been at peace for a long time.
We are officially owed The Law of Peace by the U.S. Military as is admitted by their own Regulations: AR27- 161-1.
whythisisdifferent.pdf (annavonreitz.com)
lawofpeace.pdf (annavonreitz.com)
letsbeblunt.pdf (annavonreitz.com)
lawofpeace.pdf (annavonreitz.com)
uscitizenblues.pdf (annavonreitz.com)

Declaration of Independence
As Maine State Nationals and Americans, we stand on the Land Jurisdiction under our unalienable Rights as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.
International Peace Proclamation
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PO Box 36 Richmond Maine, 04357
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