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  • Frequently Asked Questions, 
    Videos and Podcasts

Frequently Asked Questions

People have questions about how correcting their birthright status to an American affect's things such as:   

                        -  Taxes 

                   - Social Security, Disability, Retirement, Medical Benefits

                   - Banking

                   - And more.....


The Maine Assembly Videos

Maine State Nationals Stories - The Round Tables

In this 4 part series - hear Mainers tell their stories on how they came to correct their status.

Maine State Nationals Stories - Round Table #1

Maine State Nationals Stories - Round Table #2


Maine State Nationals Stories - Round Table #3

Maine State Nationals Stories - Round Table #4


Anna Von Reitz- The American Republic! Restoration. MUST WATCH, how ALL the pieces fit!


Link Tree:

American Common Law 101 - The California Assembly - Michelle Ford

Excellent educational video about Lawful and Legal language, citizenship, history, and more.... on Bitchute channel

Historian Bobby Graves of The Oregon State Assembly  

From ED channel on Youtube

 Historian Bobby Graves:  From The Oregon Assembly Youtube channel:   From The Oregon Assembly Youtube channel:   From The Oregon Assembly Youtube channel:   From The Oregon Assembly Youtube channel:

Anna Von Reitz interviewed by Sarah Westall.

 Published on Sarah Westall's channel on Bitchute on 1/5/22:

American State Nationals Interview Series with Dr. John Bergman 

 Youtube Channel 


 Bitchute Channel

Other Educational Videos

Meet Your Strawman - found on State National Status Info channel on Rumble

This Occult Art of Law - Alan of Salisbury - from Occult Knowledge in Law channel on Youtube

The Jural Assembly Handbook (audio) - Anna Von Reitz -from @conversationsonland on Youtube:

David Straight "What are the ramifications of obtaining a State Marriage Certificate?" 

Creation of the Birth Certificate Trusts Video

Posted on The True Republic 1776 Channel on Youtube

Former Deputy Sheriff Eddy Craig - "Right to Travel" - Traffic Stop Script - Washington State Law

Below Videos are based upon Articles from the work of Anna Von Reitz (
from ​Returning Home Youtube Channel
-  by Katheryn Hande

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