~The Maine Assembly ~
The true strength of The Maine Assembly rests with the people, their knowledge base, and solidarity of purpose. When we the people understand that the purpose of government is to protect us, that we are the employers, and that our government employees have contractual obligations— then we can stand together to enforce those obligations. It's no longer just one man on a crusade, but families, communities, and yes, a whole State, and then many States, all connected and functioning from a shared knowledge, history, and vision.
Anna Article 299-Fundamental American Government Structure:
~Our Story~
~Who We Are
Living Men & Women
Your neighbors
Pro American
Truth and Justice seekers
American State Nationals
Who We Are Not ~
Not a political party
Not a religious organization
Not extremists
Not conspiracy theorists
Not looking for profit
Not Slaves
Not Chattel
Not wards of the State
Not Sovereign Citizens
~The Assembly Structure~
~The General Assembly~
~The Jural Assembly~
~The Business Assembly~
~Assembly Militia aka "people"~
Other Land and Soil Jurisdiction Structures:
~Peacekeeping Task Force~
~Peacekeeping Task Force~
~State Coordinators~
~The Federation~
~The Confederation~
~The American States Assembly~
The Maine Assembly is part of the American States Assembly
Maine, with the other 49 State Assemblies, as the Federation of States, The United States of America,
are working to reconstruct the missing American Government on both the State and Federal Levels.
First, we must rebuild and recharter the unincorporated Confederation of States of States doing business
as The States of America, which was first formed March 1, 1781, which in turn created the American Branch of the Federal government, the Federal Republic, in 1787 under The Constitution for the united States of America.
This American Federal Republic has been Missing-in-Action since the Civil War. Only "We the People" can Reconstruct it.......
Our History - A Deeper Dive
To learn more about our American History and comprehend what happened pre- and post-Civil War, as well as how and why "Reconstruction" was never completed, the following books will enlighten you to what unfolded that brings us to where we are today...
" To make a Donation/Gift to The Maine Assembly you can mail a check or money order to:"
PO Box 36 Richmond Maine, 04357
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